Art is about making a connection

Art is about making a connection

Tuesday 11 April 2017

you won't always know where you will land

April of Acceptance Daily Idea: you won't always know where you will land. 

Your life journey is a constant evolution of who you are, where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, what you believe, what you look like, what you feel like, and all the other things over which you have no control. 

Sometimes when things feel stable and routine and safe, we suddenly have the rug pulled out from underneath us. It's times like these that feel unfair. That make us question our life. Perhaps question faith. And ask, why me? Why us? Why now? 

Life is predictably unpredictable. And despite how horribly difficult it can be ... horrendously painfully unfair ... loss and grief and trauma can touch us and change us. And you have survived every single thing that has ever happened to you. 


Every. Single. Thing. 

We don't always know where we will land. And eventually, we WILL land.  Firm ground will come. 

Be kind,

To yourself too


***NOTE: "acceptance" in the context of my writing is about the belief that all living things are entitled to respect, regardless of their actions and beliefs. "Acceptance" in this context is NOT about being silent, ignoring injustices and self and others, or expecting that we can say something is okay when it isn't. In this context I am referring to the idea that we cannot control what happens around us, we can only control how to respond to those things. 

*All images are property of Fox Tales Art

**All images are available for sale with profits going to 

Email for inquiries (Purchasing directly by email, even if the piece is on etsy, saves both of us money and can involve a negotiation in size and in price)

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