Because body shaming hurts.
FAT-TALK-FREE FEBRUARY DAILY CHALLENGE: today on your lunch break, talk about something unrelated to appearance or your body. If someone starts a topic along those lines, try changing the topic. See how it feels to have a fat-talk free lunch time.
"I always wonder why people who are a lot smaller than I am think I want to hear them complain endlessly about their bodies. It makes me wonder what they think about mine, and ignites a sense of shame in me that carries on for many hours after the interaction." R.W.
Words matter. Someone is always listening. If fat-talk shames an adult the way that R.W. explained it, imagine how children must feel. Imagine how children must wonder what we think of their bodies, when we stare in the mirror, hating our butt.
#EDAW2017 #notachoice #FoxTalesArtFatTalkFreeFebruary #bopo #torontoart #torontoartist #edawareness #edadvocate #ed #eatingdisorder #edrecovery #recovery
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