Art is about making a connection

Art is about making a connection

Monday, 13 February 2017

Because we weren't born with food-related shame

Because we weren't born with food-related shame. 

FAT-TALK-FREE FEBRUARY DAILY CHALLENGE: eat one thing today that your brain tells you is "bad". ** Eat one thing that you know you would enjoy. It doesn't have to be more than a piece. Or it can be a whole meal. Sit and eat that thing, tasting it. Eat it mindfully. Enjoy it. And ask yourself how it felt to allow yourself that indulgence. 

** SAFELY! If you have a medical condition with food restrictions then please do not use any of the restricted foods! If you have celiac disease, don't eat gluten. If you have a heart condition, don't go get a giant cheese burger. 

We aren't born afraid of food. We are born with the instinct to eat for survival. Our fears are learned. Food is just food. We need it to live. There is food that has high nutrient values, and there is food that had low nutrient value. We can eat all kinds of food. The trick is in finding the balance to enjoy a treat while still feeding our body what it needs to thrive. 

Let's teach our kids about nutrients. Let's guide them to make choices that will allow their bodies to thrive and grow. Let's not give them vocabulary that creates shame. Let's simply teach them to love feeding themselves the nutrients their bodies need. 


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