Art is about making a connection

Art is about making a connection

Sunday 26 March 2017

share an accomplishment


I thought about whether or not it would be bragging to share my most recent published articles. Bragging is to speak with "excessive pride." I don't know if I'm capable of that. 

I share my accomplishments mostly because I think people might want to read my stuff or look at my art. And then I explain all the reasons why it's not so good. Or all the reasons why I tricked people into publishing me. Or manipulate people into liking me, let alone liking my work. 

To combat that, today I am sharing my articles. I have wanted to be a writer since I was a little girl. My Dad and my Gram took us to Disneyland when I was 6. My Dad bought me this little book that you're supposed to get autographs in. From people dressed up as Disney characters. I remember hiding in the bathroom of the hotel, writing in my autograph book. But I didn't really know how to spell much seeing as I was 6, and I didn't know cursive writing, so I just put squiggles all over the page. 

When I was 17 I wrote about writing. I said "words breathe life onto the page, into me, and I live." 

I wanted to write and I wanted to teach. And now I am. 

So I want to share. Not because I'm bragging. Not because I'm boasting. Not because I am fishing for compliments. But because I am now a writer. 

Here are some of my articles:

What is something you have accomplished? For some of us spoonies (people living with chronic illness and/or chronic pain), an accomplishment might be that we showered today. Or that we moved from the bed to the couch. Or that we went for a walk, or did the dishes, or did one load of laundry. 

Maybe you have art in a show, or you taught your kid to ride a bike, or you made a movie, or you got a new job. Maybe you drew a picture, coloured a colouring book, graduated, got into college or university. Maybe you laughed at a good joke - a big belly laugh. 

Celebrate what you are able to do today. And tell someone. Say it. Feel good about one thing you did. 

Be kind,

To yourself too,


*All images are property of Fox Tales Art

**All images are available for sale with profits going to 

Email for inquiries and browse some options at 

(Purchasing directly by email, even if the piece is on etsy, saves both of us money and can involve a negotiation in size and in price)

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